Monday, March 16, 2020

Live from the ark!

When the rains stop and things return to normal, this little ark will land on a mountain top in Vermont and we will emerge, whole and healthy.  Hope some of you are still around.

Seriously, this is crazy!  After a lot of agonizing about what a socially responsible business should do, we decided to close the Public House.  Then today the Governor decided that all restaurants are to close effective tomorrow.  We will survive!

I apologize for being so late with this post.  We're revisiting some of the sites we shared with you on the way down and I hate redundancy.  But then I realized a lot of you are locked down with nothing to look at but the idiot box.  So here are some stories and pictures from the ark

Cumberland Island is wonderful but it is rife with ticks.  Yeow!  Lacy had a bunch.

I showed you the car carrier on the hard in St Simons Sound.

Here's the back story from some locals. The Korean ship was delivering Kias to the east coast and on a tight schedule.  The ship had a problem with the ballast pumps and called in a crew of mechanics to fix it from Korea.  But the captain needed to get to Charleston and told them to work on it while underway.  As they headed out the sound the ship began to list 30 degrees.  A pilot was in command of the ship at the time and made the decision to beach it.  He's now a hero.  No lives were lost.  Just money.  They're going to cut it up in slices.

The Brunswick bridge is beautiful.
So is this craft.

This one was a little too close.
So we're anchored in Deewees Creek, just north of Charleston.  For the second night there's been no shore leave for Lacy.  Nothing but marsh for miles and miles.  But there's a neighbor one creek over.
And I was able to get the third coat of varnish on the pilot house trim.
As the world falls apart Kathleen and I really want to be home to offer whatever support we can to whomever needs it.  And yet, at our ages, we think we are pretty lucky to be self-quaranteed on Rosie.  But we are thinking about you all and how hard this must be.  We might quicken the pace of our return voyage just a teensy.

Thanks for checking in on us.  We are just about at 5000 views.  I'll try to do better with the posts.

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