Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksviging

The boat surgeon was very good.  Reasonable.  Fast.  One reason is that they did the repair dockside, without hauling or "tenting" us, which meant the dust and debris went right into the water.  Never could have happened in Vermont.
Beaufort is very close to Paris Island Marine Base and F-35's were flying overhead constantly.  OMG are they loud!!!  I hope they're capable of throttling back when in BTV.  Down here they just shrug and say "It's the sound of freedom."  I think they cost $1,000,000,000 apiece.  Imagine the waste and lost opportunuity!
From Beufort we came down to Bluffton which is 8 miles up a river from Hilton Head.  We're having dinner today with Roger and Laurel and their extended family and friends.  Roger built a 42' catamaran in his back yard and slid it down a bank into a high tide backwater.  They have just returned from a 5 month trip to Cape Cod and will be continuing with us down to the Bahamas.

Last night they had a low country oyster bake at their house.  They build a big fire and put a 6' X 6' steel plate over it.
When the plate is red hot they dump a bushel of oysters on it and cover with damp burlap or towel.
When the oysters just start to open they fork them on to a big table and everyone stands around and gorges themselves. 

These are cluster oysters, a big bunch of them attached in a clump and they're smaller but delicious.  They come from the local Oyster Company that we're anchored off.
The tides here are 7 to 9 feet.  Yesterday when we went ashore a low tide we put Lacy up on the dock while we secured the dinghy.  Seeing bare ground just off the dock she jumped off...into tidal much up to her belly!  Boy did she stink! 

Hope everyone is spending the day with loved ones.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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