Saturday, November 23, 2019

Stupidity and a self-inflicted wound.

The currents in Charleston in the Ashley River are notorious.  It's why boats try to get a slip at the City Marina instead of anchoring.  We got a slip.  We went bow in because there were million dollar boats on either side of us and the current was strong when we got there.

That meant backing out when we left.  Not preferred.  I waited an hour and a half past low tide to leave.  There was still some current though so I had to power back in reverse.  When I did that our prop wash teamed up with the current to throw our stern hard to port.

Now we were taking the current on our beam and as I powered forward it slammed Rosie into the dock we had just left and left a 12" gash in her belly.  No damage to the million dollar boats.  Phew!

Really stupid on my part.  If I had waited another hour or so for absolute slack tide this wouldn't have happened.  Never hurry around boats!

We are in Beaufort SC and Rosie goes into the boat hospital tomorrow for some reconstructive surgery.  Please no cards or flowers.  Donations to Amy McGrath's campaign in Kentucky are welcome.

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