Sunday, October 6, 2019

More New Jersey

From Manasquan we had to take the ICW south.  We're not at Atlantic City and Cape May is our destination. The Jersey waterway is very shallow.  Boats drawing more than 4.5 feet can't do it.  We changed the alarm on our depth  gauge from 5' to 4' to stop the incessant beeping!

New Jersey does have beautiful beaches though.

This is Seaside Park where we had to spend two nights riding out 25 knot winds with gusts to 30.  We love our Rocna anchor.

From there we planned a 50 mile trip so we would have the wind to our backs and could ride the tide.  I worked perfectly for the first 40.  As we approached AC the shoaling was horrific and the waterway curved and ambled through low marsh and shoals.  We made a mistake that we will learn from (again).  We took what GPS said was the channel instead of what the buoys indicated.  Chart data is old.  The Coast Guard moves the buoys to reflect the shoaling.  So we scraped Rosie's bottom.  That's not running aground BTW!

We could see Atlantic City from 20 miles out but it took for ever to get here.

So along day.  8 hours of stressing over depths.  We're tied up at a marina in AC and we're going to shorten our days from now on.

Highlight of the day?  Face-timing with Cyrus, Diana and the kids!

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