Thursday, October 17, 2019


Our day in St Michaels was sunny and mid-70's.  Gorgeous.  But the forecast was not so pretty.  Big winds.  Gale warnings.  Supposed to start Wednesday night.  So we decided to run to the western shore and tuck up under some highlands at Herring Bay.  There we could put out a lot of rode and let Mr Rocna do his stuff as opposed to a busy basin with lots of other boats.

Headed out early, wind and tide helping, until we got to the open bay.  A S wind 15-18 knots with fetch all the way to the Carribbean sent 3 and 4 ft waves right into Rosie's beam.  She doesn't like that.  So despite a rolly last hour and a half we put the anchor down at noon.

The wind shifted to the west as predicted but the waves kept coming from the Caribbean which was not comfortable.  Eventually they surrendered to the wind and we had a good, though noisy, night.
100 ft of chain with a 3 strand snubber attached to a Rocna 44 is a really good nights sleep.  See if you can find out anchor buoy.

The storm raged all day Thursday all up the east coast and I read reports of flooding in Vermont.  Is everyone ok?  Here we didn't have to worry about falling trees, power outages, flooding.  Just wind.

I don't like listening to howling wind but then I thought of the Bahamians who listened to 185 knot winds for 3 days and stopped my whining.

It backed of Thursday morning and evening so I could get Lacy ashore but with the longest poop run ever, naturally the outboard wouldn't start.  This is the distance I rowed because I love our little dog and, well, she didn't ask to come on this trip.
Can you see Rosie?

We also had torrential rain and Wednesday and here's Rosie's butt from the dinghy while I bail.
Tomorrow we head down to Solomon Island to visit with nephew Pat and wife Barb.  We'll also pick up some engine parts that were shipped there from Germany.  We'll do some repair work at Deltaville, Virginia because they have great mechanics if I need them.

Anxious to get south and warm. 

1 comment:

TKSMom said...

Suzanne your blog and living it vicariously⚓️ We miss you in Hinesburg!