Tuesday, October 8, 2019


This is the 8th.  And the last post ended with "We're going to shorten our days"  Hah!

From AC we stopped at Shelter Haven (nice name) in Stone Harbor, figuring we'd make the 50 miles to Cape May in 2 days, like we said.  Very nice little cove surrounded with nice shops and bars!  Thought we'd spend another day.  BUT..
 The next day forecast was southerly winds and sunny.  For the next 5 days it was cloudy, cool with stiff north winds.
From Cape May to the C&D canal (into the Chesapeake) is northerly and long.  So the crew was up and off on the 7th before daylight.  Made the 10 miles to Cape May and just kept going, right past the US Coast Guard training station.
Delaware Bay is one big body of water.  I don't know where George Washington crossed it but we were out of sight of land for half the day, heading north toward Philadelphia.  The crew was patient but wary.
The rising tide didn't give us much push until well up into the river and out of the bay but the engine ran strong and we kept going, staying just outside the shipping channel.
Finally made the C&D canal as the sun was going down.  Another 11 miles to Chesapeake City.
We reached the small harbor that is Chesapeake City in the dark and the anchorage was very full.  But we finally planted the Rocna and got Lacy some relief after a 13 hour sail.
And now we say, "We're going to shorten our days".  Whatever happened to naps?

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